
Complete solution for innovative plant technology

Whether you are planning a new production plant, or would like to modernize your existing equipment: the decisive factor is that you have a reliable partner with know-how and experience at your side. Küttner offers you turnkey solutions for innovative plant technology - with tailor-made logistics and the necessary auxiliary facilities.

In short, everything you need to succeed

Standard purchasing procedures are not always suited for innovative system technology. As customer and planner come together to develop special technical solutions, the customer must accept a greater responsibility for the technical specifications. Cost overruns and project delays due to errors are at his expense.

The neutralization of the tender for a larger group of bidders leads to sub-optimal technical solutions, a longer project duration, and high contracting costs for tenders, bid comparisons, and awards.

To counter these disadvantages, state-owned companies introduced the C-EPC model for transparent direct award years ago, taking into account existing restrictive procurement rules. Küttner has already successfully completed projects according to these rules. The C-EPC convertible Engineering and Procurement Contract is initially a comprehensive agreement at the start of the project for joint planning (pre-engineering) and transparent calculation (open-book calculation). For the execution phase, the open book calculation is closed and converted into a fixed-price delivery contract with customary obligations to meet deadlines and to execute the project

Reasons for C-EPC integrated Planning and implementation models

Enables fastest way
of project realization from planning, to procurement,
and implementation time

Allows the client to participate with its own
with its own ideas during the Engineering phase
with input in the technical concept and the selection of suppliers

Transfers the responsibility for compliance
with milestones, quality, and budget
comprehensively to the contractor

The strengths of Küttner

Digital Operations

The fourth industrial revolution is a reality. The real and virtual worlds are moving closer togethe…

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Innovative strength

We make high demands on ourselves first, because this is the only way we remain able to fulfil your …

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Electric and Automation

New production processes and flexible process technology are placing ever increasing demands on elec…

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