Detailed process knowledge and implementation strength
Fluidized bed combustion | Heat recovery | wastewater treatment
In the energy & environment fields, Küttner has solutions for non-metallurgical industries like for sludge and waste incineration, heat recovery, and wastewater treatment.
Our teams master mass and energy balances not only for the metallurgical processes of metallurgical engineering, but also for other energy intensive industries such as:
- Cement industry
- Glass industry
- Chemical Industries
- Power plants, compressor stations
- City works
- Mines
From the use of heat potentials from industrial processes to the filtration of wastewater, we develop tailor made solutions and supply plants or essential components
References in numbers
In the field of energy and environmental technology, we are active both in our own process development and in the fluidized bed technology for sewage sludge incineration, as well as in the adoption of developed technology such as energy technology from the former GEA Wärmetechnik ,or the purification of industrial waste water from the former ItN Nanovation AG. In this respect, we can look back on a large number of executed facilities and references, as well as current innovative lighthouses references in the respective application areas.
20MWthermEcoflow systeme
50MWtherm.Ecostat heat pipe system
50MWthermCooling system
20MWel.Gas / steam turbines
----Nano-filtration mine water
5MWel.Fluidized bed for sewage sludge incineration
20MW el.Electricity from waste heat OMV Power
Sewage sludge
Focus on the transmission of large amounts of heat over short distances.
Heat technology
Focus on the transmission of large amounts of heat over short distances.
Highly efficient cleaning of industrial waste water in ceramic membrane filters.
Flexible set-up with high expertise
In order to meet the challenges of today’s energy technologies, we have both specialized teams with high technological competence in the field of fluidized bed processing, heat recovery and automation technology; as well as experienced development teams from the areas of project management, design, electrical, expediting, and site management to handle both smaller and larger projects in an orderly manner.
voestalpine Linz - ECOSTAT
ECOSTAT for the preheating of fuel gas and combustion air at the heater from hot blast furnace exhaust
Learn more >CSC - China Steel Corporation
ECOFLOW for the preheating of fuel gas and combustion air at the heater from hot blast furnace exhaust
Learn more >Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann
ECOSTAT for the preheating of fuel gas and combustion air at the hot water heater from hot blast furnace waste gas
Learn more >Jindal Steel & Power
ECOSTAT for preheating fuel gas and combustion air at the hot water heater from hot blast furnace waste gas
Learn more >OMV Weitendorf
ECOFLOW for steam generation with subsequent generation of electricity from the exhaust gases of gas turbines
Learn more >CPC - China Petroleum Corp.
ECOSTAT (corrosion protected) for reheating the flue gas after wet cleaning with waste heat from the flue gas before cleaning
Learn more >Blast furnace gas power plant DILLINGEN
ECOSTAT for preheating blast furnace gas from the hot exhaust gases of the power plant
Learn more >Rohrdorfer Zement
ECOFLOW Heat transfer by means of thermal oil from the hot exhaust gases of the blade cooler to raise the temperature of the exhaust gases before SCR
Learn more >The strengths of Küttner

Innovative strength
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Electric and Automation
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