Hatch Küttner GmbH
Alfredstraße 28
45130 Essen
Represented by its managing directors
Dr.-Ing. Peter Weber (Sprecher)
John Bianchini
Stephane Raymond
Phone: +49 201 7293 0
Fax: +49 201 77 66 88
Hatch Küttner GmbH
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Essen
Registernummer: HRB 34445
VAT identification number
VAT-ID-No.: DE360123387
Responsible for the content of this website
Dr.-Ing. Peter Weber
Alfredstrasse 28
45130 Essen
Implementation and technical contact
KOCH ESSEN Kommunikation + Design GmbH
Alfredstrasse 61
45130 Essen
Copyright Notices
The content of the website is protected by copyright. Reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or images requires the prior written consent of the company.
All information or data, their use and the registration to the website as well as all actions, tolerations or omissions related to the website are exclusively subject to German law. The republication or redistribution of contents of the Hatch Küttner GmbH pages including the so-called framing and similar measures is not permitted without the express written consent of Hatch Küttner GmbH. The picture / word marks of Hatch Küttner GmbH are registered as a protected trademark.
Hatch Küttner GmbH. All rights reserved.
The information provided by Hatch Küttner GmbH on this website has been compiled with the utmost care and is constantly updated. Despite careful control, total accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Hatch Küttner GmbH excludes any liability or guarantee with regard to the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information provided on this website. This applies in particular to websites that are referred to by hyperlink. These are foreign websites on whose current and future design, their content or their authorship we have no influence. Hatch Küttner GmbH therefore expressly excludes liability for the content of such sites and for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such information. Hatch Küttner GmbH is also not responsible for the data protection provisions of the operators of such websites.
Hatch Küttner GmbH reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information or data provided at any time without notice. Insofar as our Internet pages contain forward-looking statements, these statements are based on convictions and assessments of the Hatch Küttner management and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties. Hatch Küttner GmbH is not obliged to update such forward-looking statements. Liability for such statements is expressly excluded.
Data Privacy
You will find our data privacy statement on this page.
The strengths of Küttner

Innovative strength
We make high demands on ourselves first, because this is the only way we remain able to fulfil your …
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Whether you are planning a new production plant or want to modernize your existing equipment: It is …
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Digital Operations
The fourth industrial revolution is a reality. The real and virtual worlds are moving closer togethe…
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