Sinter Lab
Sinter Plant Optimization
The concept behind is that the continuous industrial sintering belt process can be adequately approximated. In this pot grate test the material contained in the sinter pot passes through different process stages as the material would on a sinter belt. Chemical composition and the physical properties of the produced test sinter are measured by means of standardized ISO-procedures and the results can then be applied into the real plant.
Pot grate testing allows to carry out research activities without affecting the industrial production plant and transfering „best practice“ to the industrial sinter plant. Comparably low capital cost of the test sinter plant results typically into a fast return on investment.
One of the main advantages is the possibility of testing new raw materials composition. This allows being independent from selected iron ore suppliers and being able to process lower quality and cheaper materials, without decreasing the product quality. An additional saving can be the utilization of local additives of lower quality but more readily available and less costly.
Key Advantages
- Possibility to test alternative raw materials offline
- Independency from iron ore supplier
- Possibility to safe material costs without going for risk
Engineering and supply
Process consulting
Material handling and processing equipment
Sinter coolers with heat recovery
Gas cleaning systems
Sinter Plant & Blast Furnace Optimization (EN)
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