Stock house/ Top charging


Only a targeted supply of raw materials enables a good and efficient blast furnace operation. This includes the raw material composition in the necessary quantities at the right time. However, an option for variations needs to be considered in the stockhouse because during a blast furnace campaign the raw materials change due to availability and quality by the ore suppliers. The screening of impurities and the screening of undesirable fine material are as much part of the design as tailor-made concepts in order to realize the desired concepts under given circumstances. A stockhouse design avoiding dust and noise emissions and considering the applicable occupational safety regulations.

BF Charging / ECO-TOP (a Bell-Less System)  

In addition to the targeted charging of raw materials into the blast furnace, the placement of raw materials is one of the most important control variables for an optimized blast furnace operation. The accuracy and reproducibility of the feed as well as the reliability and ease of maintenance of the charging device play an essential role. The Küttner TDCo system impresses with its simple and robust construction and the associated reliability, as well as the accuracy resulting from the geometry of the chute in the placement of the raw materials. Areas on the edge and in the middle can be approached selectively and without any spillage of the charged materials. Especially when operating with centre coke this is essential.

 We are happy to provide you with our high-resolution radar system which displays and checks the result of the charging in a 3D representation.


The charging equipment is one of the key items at a blast furnace. Today performant blast furnaces are equipped with a rotating charging system to meet the expectations of blast furnace operators regarding nearly infinite possibilities of burden distribution. Aside the flexibility of the charging equipment a reliable system withstanding the harsh environment of the above burden area during blast furnace operation is mandatory.

The ECOTOP Charger is feeding the material into the blast furnace through a sectional chute. An upper and a lower chute rotate at a constant tilting angle whereas the lower chute rotates independently from the upper one. The constant tilting angle and the reduced dropping height from the tip of the lower chute to the burden surface ensure a perfectly guided material flow to any predefined area. Any common charging pattern like ring, spiral, segment and spot are feasible.

One of the design criteria of the ECOTOP is the compact and maintenance friendly design. Replacing bell type charging systems of older blast furnaces by state-of-the-art bell less charging equipment can be realized with minor modifications of the existing steel structures. Therefore, the CAPEX costs will be significantly reduced compared to other available charging systems on the market.

ECO-Radar Scanner

For blast furnaces operation it is essential to monitor the charging process. A crucial information is the shape including height information of the burden surface.

The ECO-radar scanner is a newly developed system to monitor the stockline level surface in “real”-time. The core item is an electronically steered radar scanner which delivers a three-dimensional map of the burden surface inside the blast furnace within every second. Due to the scanning rate and the very high resolution of the burden surface, burden irregularities will be immediately displayed. The radar electronics are embedded inside a nozzle, which is designed to withstand the harsh environment in the above burden area. Moreover, this nozzle can be hermetically isolated from the inside of the blast furnace if necessary. The ECO-Radar scanner is cooled and purged with nitrogen to keep the temperature on an adequate level. An additional cooling media is not required.

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